
Showing posts from October, 2017

Warning Signs of a Narcissist

Narcissists do not come with a  warning tattoo on their forehead.   They do come with a deeply limited repertoire of behaviors and interaction styles that are not glaringly obvious yet are present from the beginning.  When you get that feeling that it is too good to be true IT IS.   Normal /typical people with healthy boundaries are never as enticing, dramatic, interesting or as “easy” to develop a rapport with as narcissists.   Healthy, normal people do not merge, mirror or create facades that leave an intense and instantaneous desire to spend more time with them very early on.   People with healthy boundaries do not dive into new relationships and therefore healthy relationships in comparison with one with a narcissist/sociopath/psychopath (or combo), seem to pale in the romantic comparison to the whirlwind, “love at first sight”, early day feelings we experience with a narcissist.    The initial intensity we experience with a narcissist cannot be replicate